School News

COPA displeased with state of NEMIS, calls for reports

Monday, 20th of May 2024

The data system initiated under the National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) has failed to reach the expected level of performance, the Committee on Public Accounts in Parliament was told. Officials who were present at the COPA meeting pointed out that although this data system was initiated in 2012, it has not yet reached the expected level of performance. The Committee expressing displeasure, said that although this data system had been discussed for 4 years, it has not reached the desired level.

The Committee pointed out that the necessary data pertaining to the school system is not available in this data system and not up to expectation, the Parliament’s Communication Division said. The requirement to have accurate national data regarding education was discussed at length. COPA met recently to discuss the 2022 Auditor General’s report of the Education Ministry and the current performance of NEMIS under the Chairmanship of State Minister Lasantha Alagiyawanna. Contrary to circular 2008/37, though the number of classes in schools should not be changed without the approval of the Structure Committee under the Ministry, principals of 29 schools had started new classes for intermediate classes at their own discretion without the approval of the Ministry.

Accordingly, the Chair recommended the submission of a full report. There was also a lack of enrollment of children in the first year and it was recommended to give a report to the Committee within two weeks containing the information of the last 20 years. Furthermore, in a letter by the Director of National Schools bearing No. ED/1/6/1/10/2022 dated June 6, 2022, arrangements were made to temporarily admit students to schools close to their residence due to economic difficulties and transportation difficulties during the economic crisis. However, the Committee pointed out that problematic situations have arisen in this regard and recommended the officials to take a decision after discussing with the minister in charge. The current status of the Education Administration Service and Teacher Advisors’ Service was also discussed at the meeting.

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