
“KIDNEY: PRIZE FOR LIFE “- Definitive Ray of Hope! GSL Project of The LYCEUM Kurunegala

Friday, 10th of May 2019

The Global Social Leaders (GSL) of the Lyceum International School, Kurunegala recognized that the people in the dry zone of Sri Lanka are suffering from kidney and urinary related diseases for years. Majority of the civilians in this area visit the Provincial hospitals monthly for regular medical treatments such as dialysis and oral medicine where dialysis is almost considered impossible due to its cost-effectiveness and only a selected number of patients receive this treatment based on the severity of the condition.

The rest of the patients go through a difficult journey in terms of providing the medication with limited opportunities at their hand while having their lives at stake. Their crucial struggle for life opened our eyes and grabbed our attention and this gave us the opportunity to base our project in a meaningful way to serve this selected community in the village of Ipalogama. The GSL team of Lyceum Kurunegala conducted further investigations in this village with this regard and were able to come to a conclusion that the long term consumption of unsafe water resulted to this ill health condition in this particular village.

Hence, they selected the Ipalogama Junior School and the village to provide with safe water for consumption as their “Kidney: Prize for Life” project.

Project Aim: Provide Safe water to Ipalogama Junior School and the village.

Main Aims:

  • Test the water available in Ipalogama Village.
  • Find a guaranteed and certified water filter supplier to fix the filter in the Ipalogama School premises.
  • Provide safe water to the villagers in the long term.
  • Plant trees that naturally purify water across the selected village.
  • Enhance the lives of the villagers by reducing the number of chronic kidney and related disease patients.
  • Make villagers aware of preventing kidney disease

The team ‘Prize for Life’ visited the junior school along with a team from a reputed water purification supplier in the country known as “MicroWells Company Ltd” and tested the water. According to the reports obtained, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) rate that should be a range of 100 – 120. Whereas in this particular area it was more than 1000 as an average. Therefore, the MicroWells Company denied using this water for human consumption and at our request, they designed a suitable water purification unit. Therein we organized many fundraising projects to meet the financial requirement and also public awareness campaigns.

The Global Social Leaders Project began fundraising projects such as selling used books, having ice cream and popcorn stalls, movie fiestas, musical shows and also by walking around the city to collect non-biodegradable wastes to be sold at the municipal council. The team was able to talk to strangers, promote their ideas, negotiate and get the attention of the general public as a part of the awareness of programme by which many people volunteered to help them in this worthy cause. GSL Team posted on social media sites and also wrote articles which appeared in the newspapers and magazines which reached hundreds of people, out of which some organizations stepped forward to contribute donations to this worthy cause.

Based on the researches carried out they came to know that there is a possibility of water purification by medicinal plants such as Terminalia arjuna (Kumbuk[S]), Strychnos potatorum (Ingini[S]), Vetiveria zizanioides (Sevendara[S]), Madhuca longifolia (Mee[S]), Neem. Thus, LSL Team of Lyceum International School, Kurunegala planted over 1500 plants across the village as long-term support were not only the current villagers but also the upcoming generations will be benefited. In addition to this GSL Team also donated a computer, furthermore built a new boys’ washroom too. Lyceum Kurunegala GSL Team received very positive feedback from community at large due to social media pages.

Alliance Finance Sri Lanka Company donated above-mentioned 1000 plants as they appreciated hard word on this project by going through out social media and team too collected seeds and germinated for the plantation. Speaking at the ‘Kidney: Prize for Life project’, Arindi Jayasinghe team member of the GSL Project said, “After spending 86 hours on this project we are happy that we have been able to touch the lives of 85 school children and a community of 1468 people out of which 24 have already been diagnosed with chronic kidney diseases.

As a result of our successful project, it is happy to mention that we could support the Ipalogama Junior School with safe water for consumption. Similarly, the purified water will be supplied to the villagers for their consumption for two hours in the evening, daily. Furthermore, trees that naturally purifies water increases the Oxygen rate and reduces pollutants (eg: Cadmium) in the underground water springs which will sustain the health of these people in the long run providing long term solution. Sharing knowledge related to consumption of unsafe water was also another priceless gift the villagers obtained.While helping is considered as a virtuous act, it also brought us much joy and happiness to see the smiles on the faces of this community and the children.

We the team Kidney: Prize for Life are truly grateful for the sponsors who donated us plants, those who contributed cash donations, well-wishers, fellow classmates who gave a helping hand, friends who encouraged us and our dear parents and teachers for the guidance and support. We are so grateful for the following organizations that partnered with us in supporting with funds and materials: Our Official Media Partner – Next Click Events , Alliance Finance Company , AIA insurance- Kurunegala branch, Lions Club of Negombo Past Leos 306B1, Jayalath Holdings, Jayawardena Transport and equipment Kurunegala and City Picture Palace Kurunegala ”.


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