
Done with OL’s? Don’t waste your precious time! Find your Passion and fulfil your dreams!

Tuesday, 18th of December 2018

With the end of the G.C.E ordinary level exams, students around the country receive a four month break before resuming studies for their advanced level exam. Some students flow along by immediately starting a degree programme, while the more traditional lot await their results and simply do nothing during these precious few months. Following are a few tips on how to spend your post O’ Level break effectively.


“Time is as precious as gold” is a revered saying. Within these four months, you can either slack off and do nothing, or can make maximum use of the given time. It’s best to see this period of time as an opportunity to identify or recognise your talents and capabilities, and focus on improving them as much as you can. Our advice is that each student identify something they are passionate about - be it academics, sports, drama, music or even public speaking, and then look for qualifications and institutes with proper credentials that help to further this passion. The guidance of parents is of utmost importance at this stage. Rather than simply pushing a student to pursue a professional or academic qualification that he has no interest, it is advisable to identify something that the student would enjoy and enroll him in a program that would help to maximize that talent. Not only will they perform well and make good use of their time, but they will also gain something valuable in paving the way for their future.


The Rainbow Institute of Communication and English is a social enterprise based in School Lane, Colombo 03. It is formed by a group of professionals in the fields of English and Communication. The objective of Rainbow Institute is to empower the Sri Lankan community in the areas of English, Public Speaking, Leadership and Communication. If your desired passion is for public speaking, or if you are an aspiring leader, then this is the place for you.


Affiliated with the Cambridge curriculum, Rainbow institute conducts all its courses ensuring high quality and international standards. We focus on small classes, allowing for more oneon- one time between student and trainer, giving the student more attention and a much better opportunity to enhance his/her abilities as a public speaker. We believe in the TTT (Teacher Talk Time) /STT (Student Talk Time) ratio which gives paramount importance to the student and their opportunity to speak out. Not simply sticking to a set curriculum, we strive to cater to the student’s specific needs by tailoring our courses according to student’s specific requirements


We do not simply stick to classroom based lecturing. We incorporate exciting activities into our training programmes, ensuring our classes are interesting and students engaged. We also provide the public exposure that students need to rid them of the fear of public speaking and put into practice all they have learnt. We are launching a Toastmasters club so that the students on completion of our training, can make their learning a lifelong journey. Therefore if your passion is to be a public speaker, a communicator or a Leader then don’t waste your Post O’ Level break. Join us and maximize your full potential.

For details visit http:// or contact us on Tel: 011 4380400 or 077 078 8295, 077 5090 400

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