
Peradeniya, Essex University to sign MoU on post-grad exchange programmes

Tuesday, 3rd of July 2018

The University of Peradeniya and the University of Essex will sign a memorandum of understanding in January next year to facilitate exchange programmes. A discussion to this effect took place following a visit to the Peradeniya Universi ty by Professor Satha Alaganankasundaran, a Sri Lankan who is on the Council of the University of Essex. He held talks with Peradeniya University's Deputy Vice Chancellor Parakrama Karunaratne on Thursday. The MoU will enable students and academics from the two universities to follow doctorates and post-graduate courses in each other's universities in various disciplines for periods ranging from one year to four years.

The Essex University professor said one of the key subjects they were interested in was Veterinary Medicine of f e red by the Peradeniya University because it was of international standard. The discussions focused on how best the University of Essex could benefit from the exchange programmes and also how best they in turn could be useful to the Peradeniya University, the visiting professor said. Professor Alagannankasundaram said he also held talks with Central Bank Governor Indrajit Kumaraswamy and offered higher education courses for the bank's staff at the University of Esssex. He also held discussions with the Horizon Campus, a private degree-awarding institute. Professor Alaganankasundaran is a past student of Galaha Sri Krishnaswamy Vidyalayam.

By L B Senaratne

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