
EDULINK offers Top UK Degrees in Entrepreneurship and Computing from the University of Northampton

Tuesday, 3rd of October 2017

With Entrepreneurship and Computing being two key areas that will have an important impact on the future business landscape, EDULINK International Campus now offers two key degrees from the prestigious University of Northampton UK, that comprise of the BA (Joint Hons) Business & En t r e p r e n e u r s h i p and the BSc (Hons) Computing. The delivery of these programmes are complemented by a highlyqualified panel of lecturers, w o r l d - c l a s s f a c i l i t i e s and strict adherence to stringent quality assurance procedures followed in the UK.

T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Northampton with a long and distinguished history, is today a vibrant institution ranked by the Guardian as a top 50 university in the UK for its Business, Management and Marketing courses in 2016, together with being shortlisted for the University of the Year Award and for Outstanding Business School of the Year Award in 2013. The University of Northampton also recently carried away the Gold award for its Teaching Excellence Framework, which is the highest rating possible for a University, placing it among the elite of the UK’s higher education institutions.

T h e B A ( J o i n t H o n s ) B u s i n e s s & E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p i s designed with innovation being a central component of the degree. It looks at how to develop a business from a practical perspective and explores key learning in Business Start-Up, Business Growth and Development, Entrepreneurial Skills, Managing Opportunities and Entrepreneurial Marketing and Strategy. It is structured t o p r o v i d e s t u d e n t s with the practical skills, knowledge, commercial awareness and opportunities that will enhance their future employability in business, HR or financial organizations stretching across any sector or industry, as well as giving the ability to develop their own businesses.

With entrepreneurs being f r equen t ly recognised as national assets to be c u l t i v a t e d , motivated and remunerated to the greatest possible extent, as entrepreneurial ventures literally generate new wealth for the country’s economy, EDULINK Campus plays an important role here , in harnessing the entrepreneurial talents of the country’s youth through this degree.

T h e C a m p u s Director of EDULINK International Campus, Kanishka Weeramunda said “We realize the increasing importance of entrepreneurship in the rapidly developing global business environment. For that reason, we offer a specially designed degree in entrepreneurship, which includes a full set of fundamental management disciplines, providing our students with the tools to acquire the skills and qualifications essential for successful entrepreneurship c a r e e r s , and a deep understanding of the field of entrepreneurial m a n a g e m e n t .

T h e programme is delivered t h r o u g h i n - c l a s s discussions, industrial visits, and interaction with professors, who are experienced entrepreneurs themselves. We believe that entrepreneurs help to bring new products and ideas to the market and that without the creative ideas of entrepreneurs our world would not be as advanced as it is today in the fields of culture, science and technology. EDULINK is therefore keen to lend a hand in our own way to motivate and harness the entrepreneurial spirit of our youth who will be the future game changers of our country.

” T h e B S c ( H o n s ) Computing, is structured to provide a firm grasp of the sciences underpinning computer and software t e c h n o l o g i es through p r a c t i c a l e x p e r i e n c e in developing systems using latest generation t e c h n o l o g i e s . S t r o n g themes in this programme include an understanding of developing computer systems, the management of IT within an organization, project management of computing projects, security issues in computer and business systems, and the deployment of computing systems at an enterprise level.

It also trains students to design and build systems to meet real business needs and focuses on the integration of computer systems and their interaction with the business process. Wi t h o rg a n i z a t i o n s becoming more agile and increasingly turning IT into a driving force in all aspects of business, this degree gives students the opportunity to develop innovative solutions and improvements to current issues in the computing b u s i n e s s .

S t u d e n t s graduating with this degree will have careers opening up to them in systems analysis, programming, databases, and management, all of which are slated to be leading careers of the future.

Further information on these futuristic degrees can be obtained by logging on to or by emailing: [email protected].

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