
Law learning website launched

Friday, 6th of September 2024

A law-based learning website with academic resources, administrative information, and interactive learning exercises was launched by Sri Lanka Law College this week. Developed with the support of the European Union-funded ‘Support to Justice Reform (JURE)’ project, this project is jointly implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and UNICEF in Sri Lanka and facilitated by the Ministry of Justice. The new website is the first of many digital learning tools that are to be introduced for students, faculty and legal professionals to enhance accessibility to legal information and education.

The future phases of the website under the JURE project will include the integration of a Student Management System and a Learning Management System (LMS). The Sri Lanka Law College is operated by the Incorporated Council of Legal Education, established under the Incorporated Council of Legal Education Ordinance No.2 of 1900 to provide legal education to individuals seeking admission to the Sri Lankan Bar. It is the only institution that provides a comprehensive course of study leading to examinations for those seeking admission to the legal profession. While other private and public academic institutions provide law courses, eligibility to practise law in Sri Lanka is only granted after admission to the profession, as defined by the Incorporated Council of Legal Education.

As a result, the Law College is the only entry point into the legal profession in Sri Lanka, with graduates becoming attorneys-at-law. “This is not just a webpage; it’s a hub for many services and will serve as the foundation for our student management system, learning management system, library, digital library, research hub, HR system, and more,” Law College Principal Dr Athula Pathinayake said. He added that the College had carried out operations with a simple website initially, but the project was launched following discussions with UNDP in 2023. This initiative is part of the Ministry of Justice’s broader digitalisation action plan, which is being carried out through reform mechanisms.

In addition to supporting the website, the EU-funded JURE project will continue to assist Law College in implementing important reforms in Sri Lanka’s justice education sector. Chief Justice, His Lordship Jayantha Jayasuriya, PC who also attended the launch noted that the website would allow Law College to build connections and begin communications with stakeholders from around the world. “No matter where we are, access to the Law College will always be at our fingertips. Beyond education, this platform will support a wide range of activities integral to the Law College’s mission.” Acknowledging the support of the EU-funded initiative, Edoardo Spacca, Deputy Head of Cooperation at the Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka, highlighted the importance of effective tools in providing quality legal education.

He noted, “With support from the EU-funded JURE project, the Sri Lankan Law College has been provided with one of those tools, a new online platform that I believe will sustain the efforts of its students to become the legal professionals that Sri Lanka needs to face the challenges lying ahead on the path to development and prosperity”. Emphasising the role of UNDP, Malin Herwig, Officer in Charge, UNDP in Sri Lanka, noted, “UNDP is proud to support digitisation efforts in the justice sector, marking a major milestone in improving the efficiency and accessibility of legal education in Sri Lanka,” said Malin Herwig, Officer in Charge of the UNDP in Sri Lanka. She noted that digitising services this way would enhance transparency, and efficiency, and move the rule of law in Sri Lanka forward with digital solutions.

Tharushi Weerasinghe

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