
Why students should select SLIIT Faculty of Engineering?

Tuesday, 9th of October 2018

Among many other career guiding institutes, the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT) stands as a pioneer of interdisciplinary education. It is a leading non – state degree awarding institute approved by the University Grants Commission under the Universities Act. In year 2007, SLIIT initiated the SLIIT Faculty of Engineering, opening the gates for students with a thrust for engineering. In 2018, the faculty of engineering at SLIIT has been recognised for its quality, productive and practical oriented degree programmes and for producing high quality graduates.

Why SLIIT Engineering?

If you are interested in the field, why not learn from the best? With more than 18 years of experience, SLIIT has produced more than 26,000 graduates and professionals. The faculty of Engineering at SLIIT aims at producing the best therefore they provide the best.With a full time staff of prominent lecturers, researchers and a helpful academic staff, SLIIT Faculty of Engineering promise their students the most qualified professional advice and mentoring. This degree programme is a practical oriented degree programme. Instead of the theory centered lear ning, SLIIT Engineering degree offers a practical guidance for their students through projects like development of soft skills, comprehensive design projects and field work, so they can become productive engineers with experience who can be employed anywhere in the world. Since the faculty’s soul ambition is to produce engineers who can perform, the infrastructure within the facility is developed to serve this purpose. SLIIT Faculty of Engineering is equipped with in-house lab facilities required for conducting its undergraduate degree programmes in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical &Electronic Engineering, including data communication laboratories with CISCO, CCNP equipments, laboratories for Robotics, Automobile& Automation, and laboratories for electrical and electronic engineering.


The SLIIT Faculty of Engineering offers several specializations in their full time Bachelor of Engineering honours degree programmes. At present, the faculty offers four disciplines in Bachelor of Science of Engineering degrees. This includes Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering specialized in Mechatronics Engineering, and Materials Engineering. Under these four, there are different sub-specializations for the students to choose from. Under the degree of Bachelor of Engineering, four year honours degree programmes inCivil and Construction Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering are offered in collaboration with the Curtain University, Australia. In addition, the School of Architecture and the Department of Quantity Surveying under the Faculty of Engineering, offers B.Sc. Honours degrees in Architecture and in Quantity Surveying in collaboration with the Liverpool John Moores University in UK. No matter what curriculum you choose, SLIIT endeavours to create a leader contributing to the sustainable, technological, social and economical development of the world. To be a step closer to this goal, the faculty has applied and awaiting the accreditation of IESL (The Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka) for all of its engineering degree programmes.

Validity and job market

For someone with a passion for engineering it is important to be guided by the bestand to reach for opportunities that will assure you a future with growth and development. The SLIIT Faculty of Engineering guarantees that your passion is valued and makes sure that your time and money is well invested. The engineering degree offered by SLIIT, is an approved course by the Ministry of Higher Education, Sri Lanka under the Universities Act and isthe first Sri Lankan institute to be accredited by The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), UK for information technology degree programmes and by Engineers Australia for its Curtin engineering degree programmes. Further, SLIIT is a member of TheAssociation of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), as well as TheInternational Association of Universities (IAU). With above qualifications, SLIIT engineering degrees create best qualified engineers with numerous of career opportunities. SLIIT engineering graduates have a very high employment rate after graduation and the institute offers their students a six months on-the-job training in a government or a private institute prior to graduation.

Student events

Other than the academic knowledge, the students of SLIIT get the chance to explore their talents in various other areas. To support this SLIIT annually organises mega events like SLIIT’s Got Talent, SLIIT Robofest, SLIIT Codefest, SLIIT Walk, and cultural & musical events such as Kalanetra, Wasantha Muwadora, Ganthera, and Lantharuma. SLIIT Robofest is a national level robotic competition organised by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering for all Sri Lankan school and undergraduates as well as industrial personnel who are willing to exhibit their novel innovations in the robotic technology. Other than this, SLIIT always encourage their students to take part in charity based activities like the SLIIT Walk and other extracurricular activities.

Admissions and Intake

The SLIIT Faculty of Engineering calls for their applicants in two intakes one in September and the second intake in February after the government release of the local Advanced Level results. Any individual with the minimum qualification of two “C” passes and one “S” pass in their local GCE Advanced Levels in physical science stream or individuals with the minimum of two “B” passes and one “C” pass in their Cambridge or Edexcel GCE Advanced Levels inclusive of chemistry, physics and equivalent to combined mathematics, could apply for any of the engineering degree programmes conducted in SLIIT Faculty of Engineering and the candidates will be selected after an aptitude test.Candidates have the options of either to apply online or to obtain the applications from any of the SLIIT campuses or centres.

Thishana M. Rajanayake

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