
IIT introduces BA (Hons) Business Management degree from University of Westminster, UK

Wednesday, 3rd of January 2018

Informatics Institute of Technology, the unmatched pioneer in offering British degrees in Sri Lanka, recently introduced the BA (Hons) Business Management degree prog r a mme f rom t h e renownedWestminster Business School (WBS), U n i v e r s i t y o f Westminster, UK. BA (Hons) Business Management is a 4 year full-time degree programme which is designed to transform graduates into entrepreneurs and corporate leaders.

The programme focuses on practical and theoretical aspects of Business Management which provides an opportunity for students to learn how to function within a real-life business e nv i r o n m e n t . T h e renowned panel of experienced academics at IITalso focuses on developing soft skills of students and grooms them to become well-rounded graduates that are capable of working in any industry with confidence.

G l o b a l B u s i n e s s Environment, Analyzing a n d M a n a g i n g Information, Account and Finance Fundamentals, Marketing Principles, People and Organizations, Operations and Digital Business, Managing and Leading People, Business D e c i s i o n M a k i n g , Professional practices, G l o b a l S t r a t e g i c Management, Sustainable Business, Innovation and Creativity and Current themes in Business and Management are the Core Modules of the BA (Hons) Business Management degree programme.

Students can choose a range of Optional Modules s u c h a s B u s i n e s s Mathematics, Academic English, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Project Management, Web – E n a b l e d B u s i n e s s , Entrepreneurial Practice, Digital Analytics Social Media for Business, Global A c c o u n t i n g a n d Multinational Enterprises and Interactive and Digital Marketing.

The one year mandatory indust r ial placement (internship) offered at IIT is another unique factor which is part of the institute’s curriculum. At IIT, students are provided a more hands-on experience by giving them a chance to obtain work experience during the course of their degree. Many multinational and local blue-chip companies have come forward to provide the necessary exposure for IIT students which have helped them to gain an insight into their respective industries as well as acquire essential skills that are vital to a successful career, thus resulting in these students having a 100% job assurance following their graduation.

Students also benefit from a course structure that has been designed by Westminster Business School and an international up to date curriculum which supports theory and practical aspects as well. IIT also of fers the Foundation Certificate in Higher Education which is designed for those students after O/Levels or students who don’t possess adequate A/L results to join the degree.

The Foundation Certificate is accepted as a stepping stone for students planning to follow degrees in BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems, BSc (Hons) Computer Science, BEng (Hons) Software Engineering and BA ( H o n s ) B u s i n e s s Managementfrom the University of Westminster, UK. The Foundation Certificate in Higher Education is an ideal pathway to pursue a degree soon after O/Levels which allow a student to gain an early start in completing their degree.

U n i v e r s i t y o f Westminster de g rees are accredited by professional bodies such as Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Chartered Institute o f Pe r s o n n e l a n d Development (CIPD) and Chartered Management Institute (CMI) etc. U n i v e r s i t y o f Westminster boasts a rich history and has been providing students with academic excellence, cultural engagement and personal enrichment since its i n c e p t i o n i n 1 8 3 8 .

Expanding overseas activity has resulted in the University being awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in 2000 and again in 2005. IIT which is the academic partner for University of Westminster provides students with an enriched campus experience. IIT offers a wide range of extracurricular activities such as Stagecraft, Cutting Edge and the Annual Sports Day which have now become part of institute’s annual calendar.

Arts and Culture is at the centre of campus life at the institute. Stagecraft which is an annual talent show displays the students’ artistic talents in song, dance and drama. Cutting Edge will showcase the students’ talents in the technological field where they would come up with new concepts and display innovative ideas and projects. An annual Careers Day is also held at the which gives an opportunity for multination companies to recruit young graduates and interns from IIT.

IIT also has a Students Union, Rotract Club and Toastmasters which are the major students bodies of institute. Sports has also been a part of life in IIT with Rugby, Basketball, Cricket, Swimming and Netball being the most popular sports. IIT is an award winning campus, which has bagged many accolades for innovation in local and international competitions such as Microsoft Imagine Cup, National Best Quality S o f t w a r e Aw a r d s (NBQSA), Google Summer of Code, British Council- HSBC Youth Enterprise Award and e-Swabhimani.

For further information, e-mail “admissions@” or call the hotline 0722 72 72 72 or visit IIT Main Campus at No. 57, Ramakrishna Rd, Colombo 6.

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